The Reason For My Podcast

Podcasts have been so popular lately that it seems like everybody is doing it, including me. However, I didn’t start my podcast because everybody was doing it, I started it because I wanted to do even more to give back to others. When I first started I had my mind on one thing only: to inspire and motivate others to do it now, not later. That has over time, become my motto. I feel like we hold back so many times when we could just risk it and do whatever it was that we wanted to do. To speak up.

With every episode I hope to inspire you and convince you to do something and also learn from my experiences. There’s so much to be inspired by and so much that you can learn from every day, that I feel the need to share that with you all.

I always wanted to start a podcast but I needed that last final push. That’s where Gijs comes in. He started a podcast just a bit before me and that gave me the final push to start one too. The podcast I do now is called Change Lives, but the one I had before that was called Days with Esmee. I started out with ‘Days with Esmee’ first because I wanted a podcast first about my life and it was an easy title because then I could talk about anything I wanted. But the more I got into the podcast world, the more I realised I needed to focus on one thing. That’s how Change Lives started. It was better to be focused on one thing instead of a billion. I get to talk about what I love and it’s a great platform to have your voice be heard.

The reason I always postponed making my podcast is my brother. He told me that you needed to have a ‘following’ already to start a podcast. I listened and postponed until I thought: “To hell with it, I’m just doing it” That exact same thought was the one I had last year when I thought: “Should I start doing photography again?”

Needless to say, podcasting has become a new passion of mine. I love talking for an hour or more about life, creativity, entrepreneurship and how to make stuff happen. It’s a great outlet for me to share my stories and maybe even help you to accomplish your goals.

I hope you tune in to hear more about how I got where I am and what I want to do in the future.

More importantly: How To Change Your Life